Friday, October 19, 2007

Extraordinary machine

Music: O' Sailor; Fiona Apple
"just because i play so far from my vest"

Good morning. I skipped school today for the 3rd time this week, and i must say- it's really addictive. Really changes your perspective, because once you skip you really can't stop. Anyway yesterday Steph and i (matching outfits not intended i swear) went for our usual- 2 hour Japanese dinners, shopping, magazine buying, etc etc. Except i made her search the whole of town for some godforsaken out-of-print book that i was craving, to no avail. All we got was slight embarrassment from the "no no your turn to go ask!". Never mind.

20th Century lecture yesterday was nothing but .. really really depressing. Anyone who wants a lesson on how human suffering has no reason, but for the fact that there just is, a philosophical play on existentialism, minimalism and all other 'isms', pick up Samuel Beckett's absurdist play Endgame. Yes, same guy who gave the world Waiting for Godot, basically about people waiting for God and wasting time and God never comes anyway (in a VERY SMALL NUTSHELL).

A small excerpt from Engame:

Clov: Why this farce, day after day?
Hamm: Routine. One never knows [Pause] Last night i saw inside my breast. There was a big sore.
Clov: Pah! You saw your heart.

Hamm: No, it was living. [Pause. Anguished] Clov!
Clov: Yes.
Hamm: What's happening?
Clov: Something is taking its course. [Pause]

Hamm: Clov!
Clov: [Impatiently] What is it?
Hamm: We're not beginning to... to... mean something?
Clov: Mean something! You and I, mean something! [Brief laugh] Ah that's a good one!


Nell: What is it my pet? [Pause] Time for love?
Nagg: Were you asleep?
Nell: Oh no!
Nagg: Kiss me.

Nell: We can't.
Nagg: Try. [Their heads strain towards each other, fail to meet, fall apart again.]
Nell: Why this farce, day after day? [Pause]
Nagg: I've lost me tooth.
Nell: When?
Nagg: I had it yesterday.
Nell: [Elergaic] Ah yesterday! [They turn painfully towards each other.]
Nagg: Can you see me?
Nell: Hardly. And you?
Nagg: What?
Nell: Can you see me?
Nagg: Hardly.


Hot piece of the day:

Soft-shell crab handroll. Yummy.

oh you silly stupid pastime of mine,
you were always good for a rhyme.
and from the first to the last time,
the signs said stop.
but we went on wholehearted,
it ended bad but we loved what we started.

[ Fiona Apple - Parting Gift ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wish you were here. and we could look for hiding places to smoke. i lit up in my room today and the fire department came ... jolly huh.