Sunday, October 14, 2007


Music: The Decemberists
"here's a hand to lay on your open palm today"

AAAAANNNNDDD.. it's Sunday. Already? The school weeks zoom past so quickly it's not even funny- come tomorrow it'll be, what, Week 9, ie, the start of Deadline City. Last night tried to read Vathek in the midst of all the madness, and that was, needless to say, a failed enterprise. I ended up eating half a tray of those jello-creamcheese-biscuit squares and then going out for coffee.


There are angels in your angles,
there's a low moon caught in your tangles.
There's a ticking at the still,
there's a purr of a pigeon to break the still of day.
As we go on drowning,
down we go
And darling, we go a-drowning,
down we go away,
[ The Decemberists - Of Angels and Angles ]

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