Sunday, October 21, 2007

Late night tales (Nightmares on wax)

Hot Piece of the Day:

"Love is kinda crazy with a spooky little boy like you"
The Dusty Rose- a rose (obviously.) grown by avid Dusty Springfield (jazz musician with arguably the most sexy voice in the history of jazz music- her cover of The Look of Love will make the world make love ) fan, John Harding, in her honour. Her voice is sex on notes. I've been in love with her song Spooky, which i heard on Lush over the weekend- instant chillout. Jazz always brings back memories of singing Orange Coloured Sky at home when i was a little girl in a pink dress, Unforgettable on karaoke with my dad, Sade, daydreaming about a smokey blues lounge with Ella/Billie/Anita etc etc. Ah jazz.

Watch it here (you won't regret it i promise!)

That night i had a horrible nightmare. I remember this now because sometime in the course of the night, i must've woken up in a sweat and scribbled these words down on my Political Science notes (hence the tardy discovery- Pol. Sc. makes me quake in my imaginary boots and therefore receive very little notice under my radar.), 'dream about language'. I don't know if it's the indoctrination of post-structuralism via my 20th century module, or pure coincidence, or some Freudian manifestation, but i dreamt that i couldn't write any more- i distinctly remember showing Steph and Ashton (or my dream Steph and Ashton) an 'essay' that i did that was covered with incoherent babblings that were supposed to be something else. I just couldn't write a thing- nothing i wrote came out as it was supposed to. Scary.
On the subject of dreams, i dreamt that Nick and i wanted to reach the sky because it was above our heads (and yes you can make loads out of this analogy. this time i swear i have lit to blame- John Keats you will be the death of me). so we set out (it was a dream la okay i can't remember how we actually went about 'setting out'. not that we packed our bags and gunned our laser boots or anything) to reach the clouds, etc etc. Long story short, when our feet were firmly planted against the sky (which means our heads were pointing at the earth), we looked 'up' and realised that everything that used to be below was now above our heads, ie, the new sky/ destination/ 'Holy Grail'/ goal/ unattainable.

Okay you know what? I didn't explain it properly- it was deeper than i just made it out to be.

BTW, i skipped school again today. Ever had one of those mornings where you open your eyes and feel overwhelmed by the thought of the day? Well i copped out big time today. I'm sorry- I'm tired and angry and tired of being angry and angry at being tired.

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