Wednesday, April 23, 2008

DeKonstruct with a capital K

I think it's safe to say that Andrew Lloyd Webber week was a disaster for Brooke and Jason (he sang Memory, which was cute. But cute does not do it for ALW songs). Sorry bryan, but i think your beloved is out this week- a song from Evita? Come on. I was so excited for ALW week because, well, i love all musicals so i was so glad that Carly did Jesus Christ Superstar, and David Archuleta was heartbreaking and sweet with his Think of Me, one of the best from Phantom. I'm still a bit undecided about David Cook- I mean okay he was largely in tune and he did capture a bit of the creepy Michael Crawford thing, but it was nowhere near the orginal Music of the Night.. He just seemed so unconvinced of it himself. And Syesha, what can i say? No matter how in tune she is, her days are numbered. She's just so boring; oh but while normally her hair bothers me to no small extent, this week she just looked like Rihana (I'm still not entirely sure if that's a good or bad thing though).

Quote of the day (from my Perfumes and Cosmetics notes):

"Some people think that a tan means good health and looks. Dermatologists know that a tan is a sign of skin damage. A tan does not prevent sun damage, it is sun damage." [emphasis not my own]


Anonymous said...

why so critical...David cook sang well..and a lil bit of sun is supposed to be healthy

saturday's_fuss said...

hahaha well.. i've lost a lot of faith in idol because of kristy lee cook's VERY DELAYED departure maybe