Good morning Singapore. I've moved my blog because diaryland was, well, not user-friendly enough for my computer-moron skills (or lack thereof). Sorry if i sound distracted- i'm currently marvelling at how easy it was for me to post pictures without having to use a hosting website. Anyway the new pre-class hangout is now Portsdown's Colbar, a perfect place to have Monday-blues brunch, a seriously coconutty curry lunch, sentimental iced horlicks, or to tuck into a hearty breakfast.

1) EN3227: English Romanticism- incomplete midterm essays(40%). pending presentation(20%) on Wuthering Heights (not yet read). currently launching into Gothic Lit (texts also unread). pending deadline(week 12) for the final paper (40%). status: not yet in existence.
2) EN3224: 20th Century British Lit- disgraceful midterm essays (15%). pending deadline (9nov) for final paper (25%), status: not yet read topics. currently launching into Samuel Beckett (plays unread). final exam (50%)- here's to crossing fingers and hoping it's open book.
3) EN2241: Film Studies- one half-baked Casablanca midterm paper (10%, thankfully). pending deadline(5nov) on final paper (20%). pending presentation on Breakfast at Tiffany's. status: not yet watched film. final exam (50%)- here's to crossing fingers and hoping it's just a simple essay response paper on cinematography.
4) PS1101: Political Science- (i actually had to think about what other modules i was doing). pending deadline (19oct) for midterm paper (30%- holy mother of god). status: not yet read question. one practically silent presentation on nationalism (20%). final exam (50%)- here's to crossing fingers and hoping school burns down.
5) SCsomething: Soci of Popular Culture- one pending deadline (29oct) for midterm paper/ midterm MCQ (wk12)(30%). one pending show-and-tell(wk11).
Now that i have said all those things, i feel an undeniable sense of panic. maybe i should do some reading this weekend. like, Vathek, Frankenstein, Beckett and (whatismyothermodule) my pol. science readings. oh and i should buy the soci reading package. yes.
In the meantime, happy birthday grandma-

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